What have I become?
Jag är trött. Förra natten sov jag tre timmar. Sedan jobbade jag i 7 timmar. Käkade lunch med Claes. Shoppade lite igen. Har blivit mycket shoppade de senaste dagarna. Slösat alldeles för mycket pengar. Åkte hem. Tänkte vila en liten stund bara efter jobbet. Somnade och sov djupt i sju timmar. Nu har jag varit vaken i en timme. Ska sova strax igen, gäspade just. Skönt. Då kanske jag kan sova hela natten också. Jag var lite orolig.
You are the only one
I've ever known
That makes me feel this way
Boy you are my own
I want to be with you
Until we're old
You've got the love you need right in front of you
Please come home
As long as I'm living
I'll be waiting
As long as I'm breathing
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waiting
Whenever you need me
I'll be there...
You are the only one
I've ever known
That makes me feel this way
Boy you are my own
I want to be with you
Until we're old
You've got the love you need right in front of you
Please come home
As long as I'm living
I'll be waiting
As long as I'm breathing
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waiting
Whenever you need me
I'll be there...