Nothing to keep me from the storm
No walls can keep me protected
No sleep
Nothing in between me and the rain
And you can't save me now
I'm in the grip of a hurricane
I'm gonna blow myself away
No sleep
Nothing in between me and the rain
And you can't save me now
I'm in the grip of a hurricane
I'm gonna blow myself away
Mina dagar består av jobb och lägenhetssökande. Det sistnämnda utan framgång.
Jag orkar inte med allt längre så jag åker bort ett par dagar.
Hälsar på syrran i Kalmar. Försöka få perspektiv på saker och ting igen.
Har faktiskt ingen jävla aning om vad jag pysslar med längre.
Livet är ett enda stort trassel.
I'm going out
I'm gonna drink myself to death
And in the crowd
I see you with someone else
I brace myself
Cause I know it's going to hurt
But I like to think at least things can't get any worse
I'm gonna drink myself to death
And in the crowd
I see you with someone else
I brace myself
Cause I know it's going to hurt
But I like to think at least things can't get any worse